Samuel Hahnemann/Widerlegung der Anfälle Hecker's auf das Organon der rationellen Heilkunde : ein erlauternder Kommentar zur homöopathischen Heillehre

Aus Magie und Parawissenschaften

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Zeile 6: Zeile 6:
*Hahnemann's defence of the Organon of rational medicine : and of his previous homoeopathic works against the attacks of Professor Hecker ; an explanatory commentary on the homoeopathic system (1896) Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel ([ Volltext 1], [ 2])
*Hahnemann's defence of the Organon of rational medicine : and of his previous homoeopathic works against the attacks of Professor Hecker ; an explanatory commentary on the homoeopathic system (1896) Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel ([ Volltext 1], [ 2])
[[Kategorie:Literatur zur Homöopathie]]

Aktuelle Version vom 5. August 2013, 20:12 Uhr