Deborah L. Delanoy

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'''Deborah L. Delanoy'''
'''Deborah L. Delanoy''' war Präsidentin der [[Parapsychological Association]] und editor des [[European Journal of Parapsychology]]
== Werke ==
== Werke ==
*{{:Deborah L. Delanoy/Experimental Evidence Suggestive of Anomalous Consciousness Interactions}}
*{{:Deborah L. Delanoy/Experimental Evidence Suggestive of Anomalous Consciousness Interactions}}
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]], Solfvin, J.F. (1996). Exploring psychological variables of free-response ESP targets and their relationships to psi-scoring. In E. May (Ed.) Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association 39th Annual Convention, supplement, pp. 1-15. San Diego, CA: Parapsychological Association, Inc.
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]] (1996). Consistency, significance and relevance of psi research. Forschende Komplementaermedizin, 3, 158-161.
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]] (1996). Experimental evidence suggestive of anomalous consciousness interactions. In D.N. Ghista (Ed.) Biomedical and Life Physics, Proceedings of the Second Gauss Symposium, 2-8 August, 1993, pp. 397-410. Braunschweig/Wiesbaden: Vieweg.
*Dalton, K.S., Morris, R.L., [[Deborah L. Delanoy]], Radin, D.I., Taylor, R. and Wiseman, R. (1996). Security measures in an automated ganzfeld system. Journal of Parapsychology, 60, 129-148.
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]] (1997). Important psi-conducive practices and issues: Impressions from six parapsychological laboratories. European Journal of Parapsychology, 13, 62-68.
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]],  Morris, R.L. (1998-99). A DMILS training study utilising two shielded environments. European Journal of Parapsychology, 14, pp. 52-67.
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]] (1999). The reporting of methodology in ESP experiments. In A Brief Manual For Work In Parapsychology, pp. 35-49, New York: Parapsychology Foundation, Inc.
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]]: Unity and divisions within the Parapsychological Association. In N. Zingrone and D. Bierman (Eds.) Research in Parapsychology 1994. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
*[[Deborah L. Delanoy]], Morris, R.L. and Watt, C.A. (in press). A study of free-response ESP performance and mental training techniques. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research.

Version vom 4. August 2011, 10:59 Uhr