Kategorie:Wissenschaftlicher Artikel
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Wissenschaftliche Artikel:Außerkörperliche Erfahrung
Wissenschaftliche Artikel:Nahtoderfahrung, Tod und Reinkarnation
Wissenschaftliche Artikel:Nahtoderfahrungen
Wissenschaftliche Artikel:Reinkarnation
Wissenschaftliche Artikel:Soziologie, Psychologie und Parapsychologie
Aijing Shang/Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo effects?
Alan Gauld/Survival
Alexander Leonard Benedictus Rutten/The 2005 Lancet review proved superior quality of homeopathy trials. What's next?
Alexander Leonard Benedictus Rutten/The 2005 meta-analysis of homeopathy: the importance of post-publication data
Alexander Leonard Benedictus Rutten/Updating the repertory, do it the bayesian way
Alexander Moreira-Almeida/Comparison of Brazilian Spiritist Mediumship and Dissociative Identity Disorder
Andre Amond/ENERNAGE 1989: The Facts and their Analysis
Andreas Sommer/From Astronomy to Transcendental Darwinism: Carl du Prel (1839–1899)
Andreas Sommer/Im Niemandsland der Bewusstseinsforschung: Survival Research. Eine Übersicht
Andreas Sommer/Policing Epistemic Deviance: Albert von Schrenck-Notzing and Albert Moll
Andreas Sommer/Professional Heresy: Edmund Gurney (1847–88) and the Study of Hallucinations and Hypnotism
Andrew Mackenzie/Apparitions and encounters
Angela M. Ethier/Death-related sensory experiences
Anna Mayer/The Monstrous Birth: The Theory of Maternal Impression and Congenital Malformations
Anne Cross/The Flexibility of Scientific Rhetoric: A Case Study of UFO Researchers
Anne Delgado/Bawdy Technologies and the Birth of Ectoplasm
Anton Schmoll/Experiments in Thought-Transference
Antonia Mills/Replication Studies of Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by three Independent Investigators
Audrey Jansen van Vuuren/The effect of the driver resonator frequency treatment (385 Khertz) on candida albicans' cell viability and recovery in the presence and absence of nutrients
Auguste Glardon/Dream Impression
Auguste Glardon/Experiments in thought transference from a distance
Beat Spring/Homöopathie - nur Placebo?
Bettina Weichold/Trance und Therapie der Umbanda in Brasilien. Das Medium als Mittel zur Lösung psychologischer Probleme
Brenda Saunders/Prominent doctors and scientists reject Lancet report on homoeopathy
Bruce Greyson/"False positive" claims of near-death experiences and "false negative" denials of near-death experiences
Bruce Greyson/Consistency of near-death experience accounts over two decades: are reports embellished over time?
Bruce Greyson/Dissociation in people who have near-death experiences: out of their bodies or out of their minds?
Bruce Greyson/Incidence and correlates of near-death experiences in a cardiac care unit
Bruce Greyson/Incidence of near-death experiences following attempted suicide
Bruce Greyson/Near-Death Experiences in a Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic Population
Bruce Greyson/Near-death experiences: clinical implications
Bruce Greyson/Posttraumatic stress symptoms following near-death experiences
Bruce Greyson/The near-death experience as a focus of clinical attention
Bruce Greyson/The near-death experience scale. Construction, reliability, and validity
Bruce Greyson/The psychodynamics of near-death experiences
Bruce Greyson/Visualizing out-of-body experience in the brain
Bruno Ferroni/The Lancet: la fin de l’objectivité dans la recherche scientifique
Carlos S. Alvarado/Dissociation in Britain during the late nineteenth century: the Society for Psychical Research, 1882-1900
Carlos S. Alvarado/ESP during out-of-body experiences. A review of experimental studies
Carlos S. Alvarado/Gifted subjects' contributions to psychical research: The case of Eusapia Palladino
Carlos S. Alvarado/Note on Charles Richet’s "La Suggestion Mentale et le Calcul des Probabilités" (1884)
Caroline C. McLeod/A more parcimonious explanation for UFO abduction
Caroline Watt/Psychological factors
Catherine Hill/Review of randomized trials of homoeopathy
Charles Robert Richet/La Sugestion Mentale et le Calcul de Probalités
Charles Robert Richet/Relation de diverses expériences sur la transmission mentale, la lucidité, et autres phénomènes non explicables par les donneés scientifiques actuelles
Charles T. Tart/Parapsychology & Transpersonal Psychology: "Anomalies" to be Explained Away or Spirit to Manifest?
Charles T. Tart/Six Studies of Out-of-Body Experiences
Christopher C. French/Dying to know the truth: visions of a dying brain, or false memories?
Christopher C. French/Near-death experiences in cardiac arrest survivors
Christopher C. French/Psychological aspects of the alien contact experience
Christopher C. French/Scepticism
Christopher C. French/The “Haunt” project
Chun-Fu Lai/Impact of near-death experiences on dialysis patients
Cynda Hylton Rushton/Impact of a contemplative end-of-life training program: Being with dying
Cyndy Baskin/Aboriginal World Views as Challenges and Possibilities in Social Work Education
Cyndy Baskin/Circles of Resistance: Spirituality in Social Work Practice, Education and Transformative Change
Daniel J. Benor/Healing
Daryl J. Bem/Does psi exist? Replicable Evidence for an Anomalous Process of Information Transfer
David Luke/A tribute to Albert Hofmann on his 100th birthday
D (Fortsetzung)
Dean Radin/Consciousness and the double-slit interference pattern: Six experiments
Deborah L. Delanoy/Experimental Evidence Suggestive of Anomalous Consciousness Interactions
Deborah L. Delanoy/Meta-analyses
Dick J. Bierman/Anomalous anticipatory brain activation preceding exposure of emotional and neutral pictures
Dick J. Bierman/Anomalous anticipatory response on randomized future conditions
Dick J. Bierman/Anomalous baseline effects in mainstream emotion research using psychophysiological variables
Dick J. Bierman/Anomalous unconscious emotional responses: Evidence for a reversal of the arrow of time
Dick J. Bierman/Conscious and Anomalous Nonconscious Emotional Processes: A Reversal of the Arrow of Time?
Dick J. Bierman/Exploring Correlations Between Local Emotional and Global Emotional Events and the Behavior of a Random Number Generator
Dick J. Bierman/Notes on random target selection: the PRL autoganzfeld target and target set revisited
Duncan MacDougall/Hypothesis concerning soul substance together with experimental evidence of the existence of such substance
Eberhard Frey/Über-Ich oder Gewissen
Edith Pomarol-Clotet/Psychological effects of ketamine in healthy volunteers: phenomenological study
Edmund Gurney/An account of some Experiments in Mesmerism
Edmund Gurney/Fourth Report of the Committee on Thought-Transference
Edmund Gurney/M. Richets Recent Researches in Thought-Transference
Edmund Gurney/The Stages of Hypnotism
Edward Reynolds Pease/The divining rod
Edzard Ernst/Homeopathy: what does the "best" evidence tell us?
Elizabeth F. Loftus/Falsche Erinnerungen
Elizabeth F. Loftus/The formation of false memories
Emily Williams Cook/Do Any Near-Death Experiences Provide Evidence for the Survival of Human Personality after Death?
Emily Williams Kelly/Beweisen Todesnäheerfahrungen das Überleben der menschlichen Persönlichkeit nach dem Tod?
Emily Williams Kelly/Can Experiences Near Death Furnish Evidence of Life after Death?
Emily Williams Kelly/Near-death experiences with reports of meeting deceased people
Emily Williams Kelly/Theme and Variations: The Life and Work of Ian Stevenson
Eric J. Christopher/Exploring the Effectiveness of Past-Life Therapy
Erlendur Haraldsson/Children who speak of past-life experiences: is there a psychological explanation?
Erlendur Haraldsson/Personality and abilities of children claiming previous-life memories
Felicity L. Bishop/The Development and Validation of an Outcome Measure for Spiritual Healing: A Mixed Methods Study
Fowler C. Jones/Psychological and demographic characteristics of persons reporting out-of-body experiences
Frederic William Henry Myers/On telepathic Hypnotism, and is relation to other forms of hypnotic suggestion
Friedrich Dellmour/Die Ähnlichkeitsprinzipien, Teil 2
Friedrich Dellmour/Homöopathie-Kritik. Teil 1
Friedrich Dellmour/Wirksamkeit der Homöopathie nachgewiesen!
Gary R. Habermas/Immortality: The Other Side of Death. Chapter 5: Near-Death Experiences
Gary R. Habermas/Near Death Experiences and the Evidence - A Review Essay
Gary R. Habermas/Paradigm Shift: a Challenge to Naturalism
Gary R. Habermas/Review: Death and the Afterlife
Gary R. Habermas/Review: Life after Death: A Study of the Afterlife in World Religions
Gary R. Habermas/Review: Metaphysics: Constructing a World View
George P. Hansen/CSICOP and the Skeptics: An Overview
George P. Hansen/Deception by Subjects in Psi Research
George P. Hansen/Dowsing: A review of experimental research
George P. Hansen/Magicians Who Endorsed Psychic Phenomena
Gerald L. Eberlein/Four Types of Explanations of CE IV UFO Reports
Gerald L. Eberlein/Schulwissenschaft - Parawissenschaft - Pseudowissenschaft
Giorgio Buzzi/Correspondence. Near-death experiences
Giorgio Buzzi/Isolated sleep paralysis: a web survey
Glen Owens Gabbard/An overview of altered mind/body perception
Glen Owens Gabbard/Comments on a neurobiological model for near-death experiences
Glen Owens Gabbard/Differential diagnosis of altered mind/body perception
Glen Owens Gabbard/Do near death experiences occur only near death
Glen Owens Gabbard/Do near-death experiences occur only near death?—revisited
Glen Owens Gabbard/Explanatory hypotheses for near-death experiences
Glen Owens Gabbard/Out-of-body states
Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson/A case of emergence of a latent memory under hypnosis
H. Yamamura/Implication of near-death experience for the elderly in terminal care
Hansueli Albonico/Die Homöopathiestudie: Anatomie einer statistischen Operation
Hansueli Albonico/Optimierung statt Maximierung
Harald Walach/Effectiveness of distant healing for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
Harald Walach/Efficacy of distant healing--a proposal for a four-armed randomized study (EUHEALS)
Haraldur Erlendsson/Multiple personality disorder - demons and angels or archetypal aspects of the inner self
Harold E. Puthoff/A perceptual channel for information transfer over kilometer distances: Historical perspective and recent research
Harold E. Puthoff/CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing. At Stanford Research Institute
Harold E. Puthoff/Information transmission under conditions of sensory shielding
Heinz Chaim Berendt/Uri Geller - Pro and Con
H (Fortsetzung)
Horst H. Figge/Bemerkungen zum makedonischen Feuerlaufen
Horst H. Figge/Das Unheimliche als Heilungsfaktor
Horst H. Figge/Heilerpersönlichkeit und Heilungsbereitschaft der Hilfesuchenden
Horst H. Figge/Heilpraktiker und Kurpfuscher aus dem Jenseits
Horst H. Figge/Magische und magiforme Zeichenkonstitution
Horst H. Figge/Medizinische Behandlung als Sterberitual
Horst H. Figge/Spirit possession and healing cult among the Brasilian Umbanda
Horst H. Figge/Umbanda: Eine Brasilianische Religion
Horst H. Figge/Zur Entwicklung und Stabilisierung von Sekundärpersönlichkeiten im Rahmen von Besessenheitskulten
Horst H. Figge/Zur Wirkweise magischer Praktiken
Hubert Knoblauch/Berichte aus dem Jenseits. Eine qualitative Studie zu Todesnäheerfahrungen im deutschsprachigen Raum
Hubert Knoblauch/Berichte aus dem Jenseits. Eine qualitative Studie zu Todesnäheerfahrungen im deutschsprachigen Raum/1999
Hubert Knoblauch/Die Sinnprovinz des Jenseits und die Kultivierung des Todes
Hubert Knoblauch/Einleitung: Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung der Todesnäheerfahrung
Hubert Knoblauch/Todesnäheerfahrungen. Zur kulturellen Prägung und anthropologischen Erklärung einer außergewöhnlichen Erfahrung
Ian Stevenson/A Case of the Possession Type in India With Evidence of Paranormal Knowledge
Ian Stevenson/A New Look at Maternal Impressions: An Analysis of 50 Published Cases and Reports of Two Recent Examples
Ian Stevenson/American children who claim to remember previous lives
Ian Stevenson/Reinkarnation/Jane Henry
Ian Stevenson/The Similarity of Features of Reincarnation Type Cases over Many Years: A Third Study
Ina Schmied-Knittel/Außergewöhnliche Erfahrungen: Repräsentative Studien und aktuelle Befunde
Ina Schmied/Todesnäheerfahrungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland - Eine empirische Untersuchung
Ina Schmied/Todesnäheerlebnisse als religiöse Erfahrungen?
Ira E. Hyman/The Role of Mental Imagery in the Creation of False Childhood Memories
Isabel Clarke/Psychosis and Spirituality: the journey of an idea
Iván L. Bonta/Acupuncture beyond the endorphin concept?
J. E. Owens/Features of "near-death experience" in relation to whether or not patients were near death
J. E. Owens/Near-death experience
James Crichton Browne/Dr. Beard's Experiments in Hypnotism
James Houran/Hallucinations that comfort: contextual mediation of deathbed visions
James Houran/Modeling precognitive dreams as meaningful coincidences
James Houran/Relation of tolerance of ambiguity to global and specific paranormal experience
James Paul Pandarakalam/A search for the truth of past life regression
James Paul Pandarakalam/Are the Apparitions of Medjugorje Real?
James Raymond Council/Near-Death Experiences and the "Fantasy-Prone" Personality: Preliminary Findings
Jane Henry/Coincidence
Jane Henry/Parapsychology
Jane Henry/Psychokinesis
Janice Miner Holden/Out-of-Body Experiences: All in the Brain?
Jeffrey Mishlove/Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance: A New Theory of Paranormal Experience
Jeffrey P. Long/A Comparison of NDEs Occurring Before and After 1975. Results from a Web Survey of Near Death Experiencers
Jeffrey P. Long/Does the Arousal System Contribute to Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences?
Jessica Utts/Replication and Meta-Analysis on Parapsychology
Jim B. Tucker/Children's reports of past-life memories: a review
Jim B. Tucker/Religion and medicine
Joachim Nicolay/Nahtod-Erfahrungen in Beratung und Therapie
John A. Palmer/ESP and out-of-the-body experiences: An exploratory study
John A. Palmer/The influence of psychological set on ESP and out-of-body experiences
John A. Saliba/UFO Contactee Phenomena from a Sociological Perspective: A Review
John Beloff/Extrasensory perception
John Edward Mack/The Ufo Abduction Phenomenon: What Might It Mean for the Evolution of Human Consciousness?
John R. Moffett/Miasmas, germs, homeopathy and hormesis: commentary on the relationship between homeopathy and hormesis
Jos Kleijnen/Clinical trials of homoeopathy
Julie Milton/Methodology
Jürgen Keil/A Case of the Reincarnation Type in Turkey Suggesting Strong Paranormal Information Involvements
Jürgen Keil/An unusual birthmark case thought to be linked to a person who had previously died
Jürgen Keil/Do Cases of the Reincarnation Type Show Similar Features Over Many Years?
Jürgen Straub/Identität und Sinnbildung
Karl L. R. Jansen/Ecstasy (MDMA) dependence
Karl L. R. Jansen/Ketamine-Can Chronic Use Impair Memory
Karl L. R. Jansen/Near death experience and the NMDA receptor
Karl L. R. Jansen/Neuroscience, Ketamine an the Near-Death Experience
Karl L. R. Jansen/The Ketamine Model of the Near-Death Experience: A Central Role for the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor
Kathleen V. Wilkes/Multiple Personality and Personal Identity
Keith Hearne/Precognition and premonitions
Kerr L. White/Ian Stevenson: Recollections
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